
I’m Nicola.

I am a digital marketing strategist & content writer.

When I’m not working on branded campaigns or ghostwriting blog posts, I'm probably playing video games, making new spreadsheets, hunting for dessert or obsessively scrutinizing my Google Analytics data trying to figure out who YOU are.

Coffee addiction

Coffee addiction

I have become addicted to coffee. I can feel it in my bones when I wake up; the gentle voice in the back of my head telling me to get out of bed and walk to the coffee maker and enjoy the well-deserved hot cuppa'. Some people get out of bed motivated by the start of a new day - they are called the "early risers", an seemingly mythical concept to me. Some people aren't motivated at all. I fall under the latter. Until you seduce me with some caffeine.

As I type this, I sip my coffee. I'm not yet a coffee snob... I'm a cheap addict, buying my coffee grounds from the bulk section in the supermarket, and I use a *gasp* Keurig. (There goes all my coffee aficionado legitimacy out the window. See, I learned something from r/coffee. Specifically, Keurigs are for the caffeine bottom-feeders and akin to heresy.)

But the love for the ritual is there. I take my first sip and suddenly I'm ready for the day. Nicola Vs The World Feat. Caffeine is my anthem.

I pay for it later, in the song called midday crashes and caffeine withdrawal. And suddenly the wonder drug of caffeine seems cloyingly deceptive.

I'd try to make the permanent switch to tea, but I don't think I'm at that stage yet. Maybe in an alternate universe where I'm a Santa Monica hippie that teaches yoga at 5am and only eats organic. (Nothing wrong with tea drinkers, except that I am very much an all-or-nothing person. Although, side note, if I really were an all-or-nothing hippie I'd probably avoid caffeine altogether and tell people things like "Life is my caffeine!") (DISCLAIMER: While I LOVE tea... I can't use it as a substitute for coffee. Tea is more like a substitute of water, gosh.)

This was my rambling for the evening. My dependence on coffee is essentially my Kryptonite, but I'm not ready for wean myself just yet. Isn't the first step of solving a problem is recognizing there is one? (Is caffeine addiction really a problem though?) (Is it?)

Post-vacation sadness

Post-vacation sadness

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions